Questionable World Leaders, my first series/solo show was hosted by Angst Gallery in Vancouver WA (RIP). The show ran October 6-28, 2018 and included twelve portraits of ruling-class riff raff from around the world, presented in carefully curated vintage frames.

Infamous, dangerous and fucking ridiculous. They gain power with deception and maintain it with violence. Granted legitimacy by the very people they oppress, they stand on balconies pleasantly plump and wave to the starving masses. They don costume and regalia, sigils of power and take residence in grand estates to affirm their importance. Capitalist or communist, they all enjoy free housing, healthcare, food, private jets and elite security paid for by struggling, sick and hungry workers. They preach about the rule of law but pardon themselves. They extol ideologies that they don’t believe in, that they don’t live by. They differentiate us, divide us into ideological gulags and create boogie men out of our neighbors. They control nations, wage wars and change history. But look closer, you can see the bags under their eyes, the wrinkles in their flesh, the cracks in their veneer. Look even closer and you can see the insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty. Take a real good look and you can see their greatest fear: a united and informed populous


Neon Kirby


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